Kale: The Superfood, The Myth, The Legend

 Eating trends...gotta love em right? There are a lot of people going vegan, vegetarian, and then there's me like: where's my steak? Well whatever kind lifestyle you choose is up to you. I am not here to push my beliefs on anybody, trust me! No matter how many food trends come and go, there has always been one constant for me and that would be salads. I have always been pretty healthy as far as eating habits goes and I take pride in that. I was always that "healthy girl" in high school that brought her own lunch every day because I hated public school food. I would always have a salad with tons of fruits and veggies in her lunch bag, no shame! :)
 Now don't get me wrong, I love all of my desserts and pastas and bread and all of that. But, you have to be able to find balance! If I ate super duper healthy every day I feel like at some point I would have a mid-life crisis (probably way before mid-life...we'll go with quarter-life crisis, yeah that's it!). I would have this breaking out period where I just wanted to shove my face full of Oreos, mac and cheese, pizza, cake, and other food of the sorts. It just wouldn't be healthy because I know I would go crazy if I couldn't have some dessert every now and then when I wanted some. 

I am trying to better myself by eating even healthier in 2017 so I have been eating more kale. I usually just put it in smoothies, or saute it with some garlic and S & P for a little side dish or something but tonight, everybody, I took a huge step with kale. I ate it raw as a salad. *GASP* "She did what?" You heard me! Raw kale in a salad. (You could say things are getting pretty serious;) I've been seeing all of these delicious looking recipes on Pinterest lately about raw kale salads and I have been itching to try some out! So tonight, along with some leftover homemade pizza, I took a leap of faith and a ride on the wild side (in the comforts of my own kitchen, that is). I started chopping up kale and just started out adding some things to the bowl! I added some chopped pecans, quartered strawberries, diced naval oranges, and a tiny amount of Havarti dill cheese (sounds gross, tastes amazing) in little cubes. I have this amazing pomegranate balsamic vinegar that also doubles as a salad dressing, so I used that in my kale salad! And let me tell ya what, honey, I didn't hate it. It was very delicious and I can't wait to do it again tomorrow for lunch. Sorry for the lack-there-of recipe, but that is the brilliant thing about making a salad, there are no rules. Look through your fridge and see what looks good! That's what I did, and it was wonderful :) 

The best dressing ever!! Got it at TJ-Maxx, it lasts for such a long time, and can double as a marinade! What's not to love? Check it out:) 

Not the prettiest picture of my food, but in my defense I had to stir it up and try a bite :)

         *So....get in your kitchen, put your apron on, and let's get Cookin' with Cassie!*


  1. Can't wait to try the pomegranate balsamic vinegar!!!

  2. Can't wait to try the pomegranate balsamic vinegar!!!

  3. It is very delicious and so good for you!


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