Chicken as Pizza Crust? Say What?

     Last night for dinner, my boyfriend, Tom, took the proverbial reins. I am very blessed to say that he loves to cook and experiment as much as I do in the kitchen. He loves meal-prepping for work or making dinner for us. I am so happy that I have a man that knows how to cook and thoroughly enjoys it. (Score!) 

     As most of you know, Julia Child is one of my cooking idols. I love her food and her cookbooks and books but one thing that I really admired about her that still lives on today is her attitude for cooking and for life. She has a quote that says "Nothing is too much trouble if it turns out the way it should" :) And to me that really sums up this recipe. This technique is not difficult by any means but all if takes is your time and that is with the chicken breasts. And nowwwww for the main event *drum roll* : Chicken Pizza Crust! 

     That's right, you heard me. Chicken. Pizza. Crust. We didn't know what to expect from this technique as we have never done it before. Tom found this recipe on good ole Instagram and thought we should give it a try! I am definitely not taking credit for this recipe, but I believe it is a technique that everyone should keep in their repertoire. I have made sweet potato/almond flour pizza crust, Greek yogurt pizza crust and your traditional yeast dough pizza crust. But never, in my almost 24 years of life, did I expect something so juicy and satiating. I cannot wait for you all to try this technique! 

Things you need:

Chicken breasts
Pizza sauce/marinara sauce
Pizza seasoning 
Crushed red pepper (if you like a little heat!)
Shredded cheddar cheese (trust me on this one!) 
Pizza toppings like: onions, green olives, mushrooms, etc...
Sharp knife
Cutting board
Rolling Pin or a meat tenderizer tool
Gallon zip-lock bag 
A sheet pan/jelly roll pan to cook your "pizza on" :) 

Chicken Pizza Crust Technique: 

1. Go buy boneless, skinless chicken breasts! Tom and I bought a  
   pack of 6 and made 5 of them so we could have leftovers.

2. Make sure your chicken breasts are not frozen! They should be  
   cold when you handle them, not icy hockey pucks:)

3. Pre-heat your oven to 350 degrees F. 

4. Start by taking a chicken breast and place one hand on it (watch 
   your fingers) and then slice the meat horizontally, 
   cutting almost through it (emphasis on almost!) so you can open  
   it like a book. 

5. Place the chicken breast in a gallon zip-lock bag. (Putting the 
   chicken in a zip-lock bag keeps all of the juices from 
   splattering everywhere. If you do not have a gallon zip-lock, 
   feel free to use to sheets of plastic wrap to sandwich the 

6. Take your rolling pin or meat tenderizer/mallet and pound the 
   chicken breast until it is about 1/4 inch thick or as thin as 
   you can get it.

7. Spray your preferred pan with cooking spray or simply apply some 
   olive oil to a paper towel and wipe around the pan:) 

8. Place your butterflied chicken breasts in the pan in a single 
   layer and season them with your favorite pizza seasoning. 

9. Place them into your preheated oven for about 20ish minutes, 
   until cooked through or the juices run clear when pressed down 
   with a fork. 

10. Once the chicken is done in the oven, take the pan out and then 
    start "decorating" your "pizza" :)

11. Start by spreading on some sauce, add some pepperoni, green 
    olives, onions, or whatever else you want to add for toppings! 

12. Don't forget the cheese! You guys, we just had shredded cheddar 
    cheese in our fridge and I personally thought it was more 
    flavorful sans mozzarella! (Say what?) Use whatever kind of 
    cheese you have in your fridge:) But, if you are on a no 
    dairy  regimen then feel free to omit and maybe even just add 
    more sauce in place of the cheese! It would be amazing! 

13. Place back into your 350 degree F oven and cook until the 
    cheese is melted and bubbly! When it comes out of the oven,            I sprinkle crushed red pepper on my "pizza" because I like 

     So there you have it, boys and girls, chicken pizza! This technique is one that Tom and I have both agreed that this will be in the rotation of recipes for us! It is so satisfying and you honestly don't miss the traditional bread crust. You get protein from the chicken and when paired with a nice lettuce salad, you get greens too. That is a win in my book! Pictures do not do it justice, the flavor behind this picture is literally unreal!! Try it for yourself and tag me in it on Facebook or Instagram at @lifeofcassie.marie :) Until next time, get in your kitchen and start Cooking with Cassie! 

Chicken Pizza was a hit!
