Thai Elk Bowls

    For me, my kitchen is my outlet. My happy place. My sanctuary. I love experimenting with new flavors and reinventing recipes to make them my own. 
(If you want to learn a little more about my history with food, then click here:) 


Thai elk bowls are the recipe of 
the week and I am so excited to finally share this with you! For the past year and a half or so, my boyfriend has endured a lot of crushed red pepper. The crushed red pepper in the kitchen had become "too hot to handle" and not in a good way! (Too much? Not enough? ;)

 What started as experimentation for a recipe I found on YouTube and taking away ingredients and adjusting the amounts, I now have the perfect dish, in my mind. What I want to emphasize about this and cooking in general is that the recipe is simply a suggestion. People get so worked up about having all the right ingredients that they become too afraid to make substitutions, which I can totally understand because you want the recipe to turn out, right? Every now and then, you need to let your hair down and just have fun with it. Originally I used to serve these bad boys in lettuce wraps but over time they became so messy that they would just turn into a big ole salad. Does that mean in the future I won't put them in lettuce wraps ever again? Certainly not! Could I put this over rice or zucchini noodles? Of course. 
If I wouldn't have experimented with these Thai elk bowls, my boyfriend and I would be eating something that was just too spicy for our liking. We like spice but there comes a point when you just can't taste the dish anymore! Would this recipe have developed if I didn't keep experimenting? Nope. I probably would have chalked it up as a dish I wouldn't make again. But I didn't, because that's not how my mind works! So, boys and girls, I would like to introduce to you my year and a half old baby: Thai Elk Bowls :) 



1 pound ground elk (or antelope, venison, beef, chicken, or veggies)

1/4 cup soy sauce (or coconut aminos/liquid aminos)

1.5 tsp. sriracha sauce 

2 Tbsp. sesame oil (I use this brand)

3 Tbsp. rice vinegar (like this one)

1.5 Tbsp minced garlic cloves (Fresh is best! But if you are starting out or garlic intimidates you, buy the jarred garlic and don't feel bad about it! But I urge you to step out of your comfort zone and try fresh! Check out this video on how to crush fresh garlic and get the peel off!)

1 Tbsp. minced fresh ginger (skin removed using the spoon method)

(1/2 tsp. crushed red pepper, I omit this but it is optional!) 

1 Tbsp. sesame seeds (I buy this big container)

A few stalks of green onions, chopped for a little garnish 

Kimchi, optional topping

Pickled veggies, optional topping

Unsalted cashews, chopped fine for a little crunch on top (can also use almonds or honey roasted peanuts)

Gang's all here!

How to:

1. Brown your elk (or whatever protein you have) with a little 
   bit of sesame oil in your favorite pan on medium-ish heat. 

2. Now for the sauce! Combine the soy sauce, sriracha, sesame oil, 
   rice vinegar, garlic, and ginger in a small mixing bowl. (You 
   can also add one tablespoon of honey if you want a little 
   sweetness, but it is great just the way it is!) Give it 
   a quick stir with a whisk. (look at da flicka da wrist)  
   (That was a small rap shoutout to my boyfriend, Tom, sorry!)


3. Once your meat is browned, add the above sauce to the pan of 
   meat and turn er down to low heat and just let the flavors 
   infuse for about five minutes or so!

4. This is the part where you can do what you please. I put my Thai       elk meat on a bed of lettuce, with some homemade pickled  
   veggies(stay tuned for that fun recipe, my friends).  
   Sprinkle with sesame seeds, green onions, and cashews. You
   could  also put in a butter lettuce wrap as stated above or a  

5. Enjoy! 
                               My homemade pickled veggies!

This recipe can easily be made vegetarian by simply omitting the meat for any veggies that you have! Broccoli, peppers, zucchini, cauliflower, etc...the list goes on! Make this recipe your own and tag me in your creations on Facebook or on Instagram with my handle, @lifeofcassie.marie :) This is the recipe I am always asked for, and for all the people I have told "I'll put the recipe on my instagram" or "sure, I'll give it to you next time I see you" this one is for you! Until next time, get in your kitchen and start Cooking with Cassie! *cue upbeat exit music*

