Fluffy Pancakes

     Yesterday morning, my boyfriend Tom asked me if I wanted pancakes for breakfast. He was working from home because of the terrible roads and whiteout conditions here in Minne(snowda). Tom was like "yeah and you can put bananas in the batter and we have blueberries so you can add those too!" So basically the question should have been "Hey babe, can you make us pancakes for breakfast?" :) Like the good ole Mid-western girl that I am, I happily obliged. A little while later, bacon was coming out of the oven and the blueberry pancakes were sizzling in the pan. These are such a treat and it's one of those pancake recipes that I have been making as long as I can remember!

 Pictured Above: cold coffee and hot AF pancakes :)

     Whenever I come across a recipe on Pinterest and the recipe says "banana pancakes" I just get confused. Like, what? Doesn't everybody always put bananas in their pancakes? And not just cute little slices on top but like a full on mashed banana. It's just what I grew up with so I automatically think that the rest of the world's population does that too! If you have never tried bananas in your pancakes, give it a shot. They make the pancakes so moist! But if you don't have bananas, try applesauce for the same effect!  

Loving the shmear of purple across the plate:) 

  One of the recipes from my 2013 cookbook, Cassie's Country Cookbook! :) No copies sold, 2 copies gifted to family! AKA out of stock, but willing to reprint for the right person! 


1 cup all-purpose flour

1 Tbsp. granulated sugar

2 tsp. baking powder

1/2 tsp. salt

3/4 cup milk

1 egg

1/4 cup vegetable oil (can also use avocado oil, olive oil, etc..)

1 ripe banana, mashed

Blueberries, optional but necessary at the same time;)

Chocolate Chips, optional 

NOTE: If you don't have any ripe bananas, feel free to substitute 1/3 cup of applesauce! 


Mix flour, sugar, baking powder, and salt. Add milk, egg, oil, and mashed banana. Whisk into submission aka just mix it well! Spray your pan or griddle and turn the burner on to medium heat and let the pan pre-heat! (That is why the first pancake never turns out for people, the pan isn't hot enough!) Scoop batter into pan with a measuring cup or a ladle. Flip the pancake when bubbles start forming all over! Repeat until all batter is gone! :)

   I feel like just by looking at this picture, you can taste them! 

I hope these photos make you hungry for more recipes from me (and for pancakes)! This is a perfect recipe to get your kids or grand kids involved, let them whisk or sprinkle on the blueberries or chocolate chips:) Thank you for continuing to support me and my passion! 


